Monday 25 December 2017

Productivity ?......

                                      A measure of the efficiency of a person, machine, factory, system, etc., in converting inputs into useful outputs. Productivity is a critical determinant of cost efficiency. Productivity is the combination of intelligent planning and focused efforts.

1.      If inputs remain the same and the production of output increases, then there is a rise in the level of productivity.

2.      If the output rises in a greater proportion than the increase in the input, there is still a proportionate rise in the level of productivity.

3.       However, if the output rises at a lower rate than the input, then there will be a fall in the productivity, even though there is an increase in production on the whole.

4.      Higher productivity results in a lower cost per unit of output resulting in higher    levels of profit for a company. Thus, it refers to efficient utilization of resources.

5.       High productivity increases the economic well-being. It increases the income and the standard of living of the people. It brings in money for the company.

Importance of Productivity

1.      Productivity increases output.

2.      High productivity results in lower cost per unit of output resulting in higher levels of profit for a business. 
For example,     

                               A factory worker can produce 10 items in an hour and he subsequently produces 20 units in the same hour after some training. His productivity has doubled and the business will benefit from a fall in unit cost as more units are being produces at the same costs of production. 

                                Higher profits for the firm will mean more funds available for its expansion, new business ventures and community support. It may also wish to pass on the benefits of lower costs to consumers in the form of lower prices

The Importance of Productivity in Business 
 The importance of productivity in business can be summarized as follows. 
  1. Enhanced production lowers the cost per unit of a product which in turn, results in lower prices for better quality, which enhances a business.
  2. Lower prices as a result of enhanced production    give an edge to businesses to sell products at more competitive prices.

  3. If the rates are competitive, the business is in a better position to attract more customers and make more sales. This is the primary motive of any business organization. 


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