Wednesday 2 March 2016

Mock Leno Weave......

Mock Leno Weaves form  open structures with small gap.This Type of weave produces an imitation of leno effect , So it is called MOCK LENO weave.

In order to form proper space , proper denting is necessary.

  1. Crossing: In this ends are not made to cross each other like true leno
  2. Diagonal Similarity: Weave can be divided diagonally into equal parts.
  3. Repeat size :minimum repeat size used :  6x6. (Even number repeat size used)
  4. Weave Effect: Open perforated weave.
  5. Produced in ordinary way without special leno shafts.
  6. Denting: Ends from each individual group are drawn into same dent ( this bunches the floating end together and causes a slight gap or opening in the fabric. Due to this fabric appearance is similar to leno fabric.)
  7. Fabric surface = Rough.

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