Sunday 27 March 2016

Bedford Cord .....

Bedford cord : this weave  produces the longitudinal warp lines in the cloth with fine sunken lines between.

Name: Bedford cord, named after the town of Bedford in England.


  1. Appearance: It can have the appearance of narrow-width stripes with thin lines 
  2. between.
  3. Weave effect: the plain ends forming the sunken lines between the raised cords
  4. .Number of ends between the pairs of plain ends being varied according to the width 
  5. of cord required. 
  6. Cord effect is seen in face side not in back side.
  7. Ends and picks are always of even number.
Why cords ?????????

Due to the force variations in structure the plain order is highly compact structure
and the plain ordered ends are forced downward.
Due to this plain ends form the sunken lines between the raised cords

Other region contains plain or twill order with the warp floats which allows the
other ends to move up. It forms raised cords


Bed ford cords find a wide range of applications such as
1. Dress materials,
2. Military dresses,
3. Suiting's, woolen and worsted fabrics (heavy type).

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