Wednesday 28 September 2016

Humidity & Hairiness.


 'It's not the heat, it's the humidity'?

 People say this because .....

                                   Humidity can make hot temperatures  even more unbearable than they already are. 

Relative Humidity: This is the amount of water vapor in the air relative to what the air can hold.

Think about it this way:

if you have a cup that is half-full of water, the cup contains 50% of what it can
hold. Air works the same way.

Let's say that a certain parcel of air can hold 30 grams of water vapor per cubic meter of air, but it only has 15 grams of water vapor per cubic meter of air.

We simply divide the amount of water present by the amount of water possible,

so 15 divided by 30, and then multiply it by 100 to get a percent. 

So in this case, 15 / 30 = 0.5, multiplied by 100 gives us 50%. So the relative humidity is 50%.

Warm air can hold more water than cold air.

So when the air is colder, the same amount of water vapor will produce a higher relative humidity than the same amount of water vapor in warmer air.

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Dew Point ?
When air becomes saturated, this means that it contains the maximum amount of water vapor possible. 

Just like relative humidity differs with
different air temperatures, saturation is also temperature-dependent.

The temperature at which saturation occurs is called the dew point.

1. The dew point is always lower than (or equal to) the air temperature.

2. If the air temperature cools to the dew point, or if the dew point rises to equal the air temperature, then dew, fog or clouds begin to form.

3. This point where the dew point temperature equals the air temperature, the relative humidity is 100%

Hairiness ?????

Hairiness is a measure of the amount of fibers protruding from the structure of the yarn.

Effect of Humidity on Hairiness of Yarn ?????
Temperature and Humidity affect ...

1. The rigidity of the fibers,
2. Electrical conductivity, and
3. Thus have a certain impact on the Yarn hairiness.

The humidity is relatively large, the fibers will be relatively soft, easy to be twisted into the yarn body. Therefore, There should be appropriate relative humidity in the department.